Students walking



Academic scholarships and need-based aid comes in all forms and sizes. Chadron State College is here to help you pay for college by offering a variety of scholarships and tuition waivers. 


Incoming Freshmen

To be considered for the CSC Freshman Scholarships listed below, you must do the following:

  1. Apply for admission at Chadron State College
  2. Submit a digital copy of your high school transcript.
  3. Submission of ACT or SAT scores may provide additional scholarship opportunities for you.
  4. Priority consideration for scholarships will be given to those who complete the application process by March 1.

Merit Scholarship Requirements:

Scholarship Qualifications Amount
President Scholars 3.95 to 4.0 Cumulative Unweighted GPA $7,000/year
Dean Scholars 3.5 to 3.94 Cumulative Unweighted GPA $2,000/year
Community Scholars 3.00 to 3.49 Cumulative Unweighted GPA $1,500/year
State College Tuition Guarantee

The State College Tuition Guarantee ensures that Pell-eligible resident and non-resident students can attend Chadron State tuition-free. The program applies to new undergraduate and transfer students at Chadron State College.

Qualified first-time freshman and transfer students pursuing an undergraduate degree will receive a combination of federal grants, state or private grants, college tuition scholarships, or College Foundation scholarships to fill any tuition gap left after the Pell Grant. The State College Guarantee does not cover additional costs such as room and board, books, and fees. However, external 'outside' scholarships are not considered when providing support to cover tuition costs and may be applied towards these additional costs. 

To qualify, students must:

  • Be designated as a first-time freshman or an incoming transfer at Chadron State College
  • Be admitted to Chadron State College
  • Be Pell Grant eligible as determined by the FAFSA.
  • Please completed your FAFSA by April 1st to receive priority consideration for the State College Tuition Guarantee.
  • Enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, including one or more on-campus classes.

The Guarantee is renewable for up to four years as long as the student remains Pell-eligible, in good academic standing, and continues as a full-time on-campus student.


Board of Trustees

The Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees provides competitive four-year, full-tuition waivers for up to 18 credit hours of on-campus tuition to Nebraska high school graduates who score a 25 or above on their ACT/1200 on SAT/ or achieve a high school unweighted GPA that demonstrates academic excellence who plan to attend Chadron, Wayne or Peru State the following fall. A minimum 3.0 Unweighted GPA is required.

Students must enroll full-time with CSC and maintain a 3.25 cumulative grade point average to qualify for the renewal each year.

Career Scholarships

Awarded to Incoming Freshman and new Transfer Students

Students with an 18+ ACT or 960+ SAT score planning to major in one of the following areas will be considered: 

  • Business Administration
  • Communication Arts
  • Education
  • Justice Studies
  • Rangeland Management
  • Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)

ACT/SAT scores are required, and the value of the Careers Scholarship is $2,500-$8,000 per year. 

Related to Alumni

The Chadron State Alumni Association annually awards two $500 scholarships. Applicants must have a relative who graduated from CSC. Return the application below to the Alumni Office by April 1st.

RHOP-Rural Health Opportunities Program

The Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP) is a cooperative agreement between Chadron State College and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The purpose of the program is to recruit and educate high school students from rural Nebraska who will return to practice in rural areas of the state. Please visit the RHOP Scholarship page for more information about this amazing opportunity. 

RBLI-Rural Business Leadership Initiative

The purpose of the Rural Business Leadership Initiative is to prepare students pursuing careers in business, specifically in rural areas and to help graduates of the program assume leadership roles within rural communities. Visit the RBLI Scholarship page for more information.

RLOP-Rural Law Opportunities Program

RLOP is a partnership program between Chadron State College and the University of Nebraska College of Law to recruit future rural lawyers. Successful applicants earning a bachelor's degree with a Legal Studies major or minor are provisionally admitted to the Nebraska College of Law. For more information, visit the CSC RLOP Scholarship Page
General CSC Scholarships, CSC Annual Scholarships, and CSC Endowments
For more information, please visit our Chadron State College Foundation page.
The following department scholarships require a separate application:


The Supplemental Scholarship Questionnaire for new incoming students will be available November 15th and should be completed by April 1 or as soon as possible.

Chadron State College offers a variety of competitive scholarships based on area of study, extracurricular activities, and academic criteria.

Agricultural Scholarships

A number of Agriculture scholarships will be available for first-time enrollees at Chadron State College. Applied Sciences/Agriculture has many scholarships they award to students Freshman and above. Return the scholarship application below by April 1st. Freshman Level Magowan Agriculture/Range Unit Scholarship Application

Art Scholarships
A number of scholarships are awarded each year to students who plan to major in art. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of artistic and creative ability, rather than financial need. Please have a letter of recommendation sent by your art instructor or principal attesting to your interest and ability in art. Also, submit at least fifteen 35mm slides or color prints by mail, showing original artwork in a wide range of materials.
Music Scholarships
A number of tuition waivers and grants are awarded to men and women who are pursuing a degree in music. Waivers and grants are awarded at the discretion to the department heads. A separate application is required, Music Scholarship Information and Application
Theatre Scholarships
The Theatre Program at CSC awards a number of Assistantships to students who plan to participate or major in Theatre. These Assistantships are awarded on the basis of ability in Theatre, more than on financial need. Theatre Assistantships will be awarded from the following sources: Tuition Waivers, Memorial Scholarships, Foundation Assistantships, Fine Arts Assistantships.
AmeriCorps Scholarships
Chadron State College partners with AmeriCorps by offering two (2) $1,500.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00 one-time undergraduate scholarship to students enrolled full-time at Chadron State College and completing an AmeriCorps term of service.  To be considered for this scholarship, please contact the START Office at
Transfer Student

To be considered for the CSC Transfer Scholarships listed below, you must do the following:

  1. Apply for admission at Chadron State College
  2. Submit a digital copy of ALL college transcripts to:  CSC Admissions, 1000 Main Street, Chadron, NE 69337.
  3. Submission of ACT or SAT scores may provide additional scholarship opportunities for you.
  4. Priority consideration for scholarships will be give to those who complete the application process by March 1st.

Merit Scholarship Requirements:

President Scholars
3.95 to 4.0 Cumulative GPA
Innovative Transfer Scholars
3.0 to 3.94 Cumulative GPA
State College Tuition Guarantee

The State College Tuition Guarantee ensures that Pell-eligible resident and non-resident students can attend Chadron State tuition-free. This means that families with an income of $65,000 or less will be eligible for this program. The program applies to new undergraduate and transfer students at the Colleges.

Qualified first-time freshman and transfer students pursuing an undergraduate degree will receive a combination of federal grants, state or private grants, college tuition scholarships, or College Foundation scholarships to fill any tuition gap left after the Pell Grant. The State College Guarantee does not cover additional costs such as room and board, books, and fees. However, external 'outside' scholarships are not considered when providing support to cover tuition costs and may be applied towards these additional costs. 

To qualify, students must:

  • Be designated as a first-time freshman or an incoming transfer at Chadron State College
  • Be admitted to Chadron State College
  • Be Pell Grant eligible as determined by the FAFSA.
  • Please completed your FAFSA by April 1st to receive priority consideration for the State College Tuition Guarantee.
  • on or before April 1st to receive priority consideration. 
  • Enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, including one or more on-campus classes.

The Guarantee is renewable for up to four years as long as the student remains Pell-eligible, in good academic standing, and continues as a full-time on-campus student.

The State College Transfer Guarantee is a comprehensive program that removes academic and financial barriers for transfer students. Eliminating obstacles in awarding transfer credit is vital for transfer students to continue and complete their four-year degrees. Expanding transfer credit opportunities for transfer students from all accredited two-year institutions allows these students to transfer in additional credits, complete their four-year degrees in less time, and incur less debt.


Phi Theta Kappa

Recipients will receive a two-year tuition scholarship (amounts vary). Students must maintain a 3.25 cumulative GPA to qualify for the renewal the second year. Students must have an associate degree, a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 on a 4.0 scale from all colleges attended prior to attendance at CSC, proof of PTK membership and full-time enrollment at CSC for the fall semester following spring graduation at a community college to be considered for this award. There are a limited number of scholarships available each year.


Community College Tuition Waiver

The Community College tuition waiver is a $5,700 merit-based tuition waiver funded by Chadron State College, but is awarded by one of six community colleges that are in agreement with CSC. If you are transferring to CSC from Eastern Wyoming College, Mid Plains Community College, Western Nebraska Community College, Casper College, Morgan Community College, and Northeastern Junior College. If you wish to be considered for this prestigious scholarship, please visit the Financial Aid Office of your community college you are transferring from for an application. You must have a 3.0+ GPA to be considered. 

Career Scholarships

Awarded to Incoming Freshman and new Transfer Students

Students with an 18+ ACT or 960+ SAT score planning to major in one of the following areas will be considered: 

  • Business Administration
  • Communication Arts
  • Education
  • Justice Studies
  • Rangeland Management
  • Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)

ACT/SAT scores are required, and the value of the Careers Scholarship is $2,500-$8,000 per year.


Davis-Chambers Transfer Scholarship

The Davis-Chambers Scholarship recognizes academically promising students who often find that financial requirements of postsecondary education are a major obstacle. The scholarship may be used for (tuition, room and board, or fees). Each applicant is required to complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The scholarship is applied after all other aid.
The Davis-Chambers Scholarship is a scholarship provided through the Nebraska State College System for transfer students from Nebraska Community Colleges. The scholarships are awarded for one academic year (two semesters) and are renewable for a subsequent academic year upon academic success, not to exceed four consecutive academic semesters, if completed within a total of two years. Recipients of scholarships must enroll as full-time students carrying 12 hours or more per semester. The awards will terminate if the recipient is placed on academic suspension or probation.  For more information and the application please go to Davis-Chambers Student Scholarship.  Scholarship Deadline February 1.

RHOP-Rural Health Opportunities Program

The Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP) is a cooperative agreement between Chadron State College and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The purpose of the program is to recruit and educate high school students from rural Nebraska who will return to practice in rural areas of the state. Please visit the RHOP Scholarship page for more information about this amazing opportunity. 

RBLI-Rural Business Leadership Initiative

The purpose of the Rural Business Leadership Initiative is to prepare students pursuing careers in business, specifically in rural areas and to help graduates of the program assume leadership roles within rural communities. Visit the RBLI Scholarship page for more information.

RLOP-Rural Law Opportunities Program

RLOP is a partnership program between Chadron State College and the University of Nebraska College of Law to recruit future rural lawyers. Successful applicants earning a bachelor's degree with a Legal Studies major or minor are provisionally admitted to the Nebraska College of Law. For more information, visit the CSC RLOP Scholarship Page

General CSC Scholarships, CSC Annual Scholarships, and CSC Endowments

For more information, please visit our Chadron State College Foundation page.
The Supplemental Scholarship Questionnaire for new incoming students will be available November 15th and should be completed by April 1 or as soon as possible.

Chadron State College offers a variety of competitive scholarships based on area of study, extracurricular activities, and academic criteria.


The following departmental scholarships require a separate application:

Agricultural Scholarships:
Magowan Agriculture
A number of Agriculture scholarships will be available for first-time enrollees at Chadron State College. The CSC Foundation Endowments department has information on all CSC Endowments. Magowan Agriculture Scholarship Information and Application.
Art Scholarships
A number of scholarships are awarded each year to students who plan to major in art. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of artistic and creative ability rather than financial need. Please have a letter of recommendation sent by your art instructor or principal attesting to your interest and ability in art. Also submit at least fifteen 35mm slides or color prints by mail showing original artwork in a wide range of materials.
Art Department Application
Music Scholarships:
A number of tuition waivers and grants are awarded to men and women who are pursuing a degree in music. Waivers and grants are awarded at the discretion to the department heads. A separate application is required, please follow the following link:  Music Contact Information and Application
Social Science Scholarships:
The Allen & Sara Shepherd History Scholarship
A scholarship will be awarded annually to a student interested in History. Application materials may be secured from Dr. Joel Hyer at any time after the beginning of the spring semester. The completed application must be returned by March 1. The Committee will determine the recipient based on Dr. James Margett's recommendation. Half of the award will be given the first week of fall semester; the second half will be given the first week of spring semester. 
Theatre Scholarships:
The Theatre Program at CSC awards a number of Assistantships to students who plan to participate or major in Theatre. These Assistantships are awarded on the basis of ability in Theatre, more than on financial need. Theatre Assistantships will be awarded from the following sources: Tuition Waivers, Memorial Scholarships, Foundation Assistantships, Fine Arts Assistantships. Click here for the application.

AmeriCorps Scholarships
Chadron State College partners with AmeriCorps by offering two (2) $1,500.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00 one-time undergraduate scholarship to students enrolled full-time at Chadron State College and completing an AmeriCorps term of service.  To be considered for this scholarship, please contact the START Office at
Graduate Student
Chadron State College offers the following scholarship(s) for the graduate programs.  All graduate students are automatically considered for these scholarship(s).  

Dr. Earl Strohbehn Memorial - Graduate
A scholarship is available for a graduate student pursuing a degree in the field of Education. Financial need is a strong basis for scholarship consideration.

AmeriCorps Scholarships
Chadron State College partners with AmeriCorps by offering two (2) $1,500.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00 one-time undergraduate scholarship to students enrolled full-time at Chadron State College and completing an AmeriCorps term of service.  To be considered for this scholarship, please contact the START Office at
Current Student
Current students are not required to submit an application for general scholarships. All current CSC students may be considered for general scholarships based on geographic, academic and/or income criteria. 

General CSC Scholarships, CSC Annual Scholarships, and CSC Endowments
For more information, please visit our Chadron State College Foundation page.
Scholarships that require a separate application/form:
Nebraska Cooperative Council
The Nebraska Cooperative Council Education Foundation will provide a scholarship to a sophomore, junior or senior majoring or minoring in Agribusiness dependent upon available funding. Students must have achieved a GPA of 2.5 or above. Eligibility is limited to sons/daughters of a parent/legal guardian who has been an active member, director, or employee for at least the prior three (3) years of a cooperative which has been a member in good standing of the Council for at least five (5) years. A separate application is required, visit for details. Deadline to apply: April 15.
Art Scholarships
A number of scholarships are awarded each year to students who plan to major in art. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of artistic and creative ability rather than financial need. Please have a letter of recommendation sent by your art instructor or principal attesting to your interest and ability in art. Also submit at least fifteen 35mm slides or color prints by mail showing original artwork in a wide range of materials.

Art Department Application

Music Scholarships
A number of tuition waivers and grants are awarded to men and women who are pursuing a degree in music. Waivers and grants are awarded at the discretion to the department heads. A separate application is required, please follow the following link: 
Music Contact Information and Application
Theatre Scholarships
The Theatre Program at CSC awards a number of Assistantships to students who plan to participate or major in Theatre. These Assistantships are awarded on the basis of ability in Theatre, more than on financial need. Theatre Assistantships will be awarded from the following sources: Tuition Waivers, Memorial Scholarships, Foundation Assistantships, Fine Arts Assistantships. Click here for an application.

AmeriCorps Scholarships
Chadron State College partners with AmeriCorps by offering two (2) $1,500.00 one-time graduate scholarships and one (1) $1,000.00 one-time undergraduate scholarship to students enrolled full-time at Chadron State College and completing an AmeriCorps term of service.  To be considered for this scholarship, please contact the START Office at
General CSC Scholarship Applications
Incoming Freshman
Look for the CSC Supplemental Scholarship Questionnaire on your MyCSC To Do list on November 15th. Priority date of completion is July 31st.  The following scholarships have separate applications and deadlines, click the links for more information:
New Transfer Students
Look for the CSC Scholarship Questionnaire on your MyCSC To Do list on November 15th.  Priority date of completion is July 31st.  The following scholarships have separate applications and deadlines, click the links for more information:
Graduate Students
All CSC Graduate students will automatically be considered for all scholarships based on geographic, academic and income criteria.  No additional application is needed.
Current Students
All current CSC students will automatically be considered for general scholarships based on geographic, academic and income criteria.* Current students are typically notified of awards in the Spring semester. Scholarships with specific applications/criteria are listed below.

Many students pay for college with the help of Outside Scholarships. Please review important Outside Scholarship information regarding reporting, sending the awards to CSC, and enrollment verification.

If you receive scholarships, grants, tuition waiver assistance, veteran's benefits, or any other assistance through an agency or organization other than CSC, you must report that assistance to the START Office so it can be included in your total financial aid package using the CSC Outside Scholarship Notification Form.

NOTE: Scholarship amounts will be divided equally between the two semesters unless otherwise stipulated by the donor/organization. If a check is term specific please make sure that is noted on the MEMO line of the check.

Checks payable to "Chadron State College" only and put the student's name in the memo field of the check.

Please have scholarship checks sent to:
Chadron State College
Attn: Financial Aid
1000 Main St.
Chadron, NE 69337

As a financial aid recipient, you are legally required to keep the CSC informed of all resources received from outside agencies or organizations. If you receive additional awards from other agencies or organizations any time during the award year, we may have to adjust your Federal Student Financial Aid award or you may be required to return a portion of your Federal Student Financial Aid.

Are you interested in expanding your career opportunities through Army ROTC? Please visit our ROTC Scholarships page to learn more about how Army ROTC can help you pay for college, while serving in a fulfilling program.